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  • Foto del escritorKelvin Feliz

sCrap Controller

As a creative outlet, I keep a  visual journal consisting of collages the reader can somehow interact with. 

For this project I want to play and enhance this idea of interactivity by creating a joystick-like device so the user can play with the illustrations just as they would if they had the journal in their hands

This is an on-going project, currently in standby due to the Covid-19 lockdowns and the incapability to work at the Fab Lab. However, I was able to put together a working prototype from home that I will keep developing once the workshop is up and running again.

I programmed the controller to read the accelerometer data on an Arduino IoT; a force sensor and a light dependent resistor function as buttons. Several Neopixels LED lights and a vibrator motor are the outputs in the controller.

I wrote a program in Processing to read the data from the device and by mapping the readings from the sensors, the animations are triggered.

We can visualize the movement of the device and the buttons can trigger any sort of animation and lights.

Then I took one of the collages and created a series of animations frame by frame on Photophop. Later on Processing I mapped the animations to the different readings coming from the prototype' sensors.

Original Collage Animated on Proccessing and the Controller

Then I decided to have fun with it and wrote a interactive little game to play with the joystick!

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